Class 12 NCERT Notes of Geography Chapter 1- Human geography nature and scope

 Chapter -1
Human Geography Nature and Scope

  • Geography is a field of study is integrative, empirical and practical.
  • It studies each and every event on the earth over the space and time.
  • Human geography studies the relationship between man and nature.
  • Geography can be studied through law making or descriptive. 

There are two approaches of geography:

Systematic approach:

  • It is based on geographical units.
  • In this approach elements that are based on similarities are taken up for studies.
  • Systematic approach takes into consideration individual, physical and cultural elements of earth.

Regional approach:

  • It is based on political units.
  • In this approach only a single element is taken up for studies, such as climate.
  • Regional approach takes into consideration the study of regions throughout the world in order to understand or define the unique characteristics of a particular region.
-Physical and human phenomena are described in metaphors using symbols from the human anatomy.

-Human Geography: Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and earth’s surface.

Nature of Human Geography:

  • Human geography studies the inter relationship between the physical environment and socio-cultural environment created by man.
  • Elements of physical are land, water, soil, climate, vegetation,fauna
  • Elements of cultural are transport and communication, settlements,crops.

Naturalization of Humans:

  • Man interact with nature with the help oft 
  • It is not important that what he creates but with what tools he used to create
  • Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Understanding the nature helps to create technology.
  • Understanding of friction and heat helped to discover fire.
  • Understanding DNA helped to eradicate diseases
  • Laws of thermodynamics helped to develop fast planes
  • Knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop technology and technology loosens the shackles of environment on human being.
  • Naturalization of humans allows them to adapt to the dictates of nature. 
  • Human considered nature to be a powerful force which was worshipped, revered and conserved.
  • This  is considered as a direct dependence of human beings in nature for resources which sustain them.
  • The physical environment for the primitive human societies became the 'Mother Nature'.
  • Human beings began to understand the force of nature with the passage of time. 

Humanization of Nature:

  • With the development of technology people understood the nature well
  • They move from state of necessity to state of freedom. 
  • Create possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment.
  • Nature provides opportunities and human beings make use of these.
  • So it is called as possibilism.
  • Nature get humanised and started bearing the imprints of human endeavour.

Neo-determinism/ Stop and go Determinism:

  • Developed by Griffith Taylor, introduced concept which reflects a middle path(Madhyam Marg)
  • This is between the two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism.
  • He termed it as Neo - determinism or stop or go determinism,
  • It means that possibilities can be created within the limits which do not damage the environment and there is no free run without accidents.

Human Geography school of thoughts:

Schools of human geography-

Welfare School:

  • Concerned with the different aspects of  social well-being of the people:
  1. housing
  2. Health
  3. Education.

Radical School: 

  • Contemporary social problems were related to the development of capitalism.

Behavioural School: 

  • Laid emphasis on lived experience and also on the perception of space by social categories.

Fields and sub - fields of Human geography:


  • Deals with urban studies and planning.


  • Behavioural
  • Geography of well being
  • Geography of Leisure
  • Cultural Geography
  • Gender Geography
  • Historical Geography
  • Medical Geography.
  • Political:
  • Electoral Geography
  • Military Geography.
  • Population:
  • Studies demography


  • Studies urban/ rural planning.
  • Economics: 
  • Geography of Resources
  • Geography of Agriculture
  • Geography of Industries
  • Geography of Marketing
  • Geography of Tourism
  • Geography of International trade.

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