Class 12 Notes of Chapter Framing of the Indian Constitution with important Questions.

Framing the Constitution The Beginning of a New   Era 
• Indian constitution was prepared by the learned members of the Constituent Assembly. 
• The constitution was framed between December 1946 to December, 1949. 
• Each clause of the constitution was discussed by the Constituent Assembly. All in all, eleven sessions of the Constituent Assembly were held and 165 sittings took place. 
• Different committees and subcommittees carried out the work of revising and refining the drafts of the constitution.
The Constituent Assembly appointed a total of 22 committees to deal with different tasks of constitution-making. 
Out of these, eight were major committees and the others were minor committees.
Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights, Minorities and Tribal and Excluded Areas – Vallabhbhai Patel.
Chairman of the Drafting Committee: B. R. Ambedkar, SCF
Temporary Chairman: Sachchidananda Sinha
Seats: 389 (Dec. 1946-June 1947); 299 (June 1947-Jan. 1950)
 • The Constituent Assembly had 299 members. The assembly adopted the constitution on 26 November 1949, but it came into effect on January 26, 1950. 
• The members of the Constituent Assembly were elected on the basis of a provincial election held in 1946. 
• Muslim League did not participate in the meeting of Constitutent Assembly. These meetings were held before theThe Constituent Assembly remained as a one party show as its 82% members belonged to the Congress party.
 • The meeting of the Constituent Assembly was influenced by the public opinion. The arguments of various sections were published in all leading newspapers and there was a public debate on all proposals. 
• Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played an important role in the Constituent Assembly. He acted as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the constitution.
• Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru moved the objective resolution in the Constituent Assembly. 
• Objective Resolution was a historic resolution which defined the ideals of the constitution of free Indian. 
• It proclaimed India as an independent sovereign Republic,guaranteed justice, equality and freedom to all citizens of India .
 • It assured that safeguards shall be provided for all the minorities, backward and tribal areas. 
• By 1949, most of the members of the Constituent Assembly agreed that the resolution of a separate electorate was against the interest of minorities.
 • A socialist leader and the leader of the peasant movement N.G. Ranga urged that the word minorities must be interpreted in economic terms.
 • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar demanded separate electorates for scheduled caste. He raised this issue during the national movement. It was opposed by Mahatma Gandhi, who said that this would segregate from the rest of the society. 
• K. Santhanam favoured the right to the states because he felt that a reallocation of powers of the state as well as the centre was necessary. 
• The language issue was debated in the Constituent Assembly for many months.
 • Till the decade of 1930s the Congress accepted Hindustani out to be given the status of national language. Hindustani which was a blend of Hindi and Urdu was a popular language among most of the people of India.
• R.V. Dhulekar favoured the use of Hindi language as a language of constitution making. He argued that Hindi must be declared as a national language not as an official language. He criticised those who protested that the Hindi language was being forced on the nation. 
• Most of the members of the Assembly were agreed on the fact that all the adult citizens of India must be granted the right to vote. 
• Our constitution is a very long and detailed document. Therefore, it needs to be amended quite regularly to keep it updated. 
• Those who drafted the constitution of India felt that it had to be in accordance with people's aspiration and changes in the society. So, they made provisions to incorporate changes from time to time. 
• The constitution describes the institutional arrangements in a very legal language. It lays down the procedure for choosing a person to govern the country.
 • The Constitution declares India as a secular state. Every person is allowed to practise the religion of his/her choice.
 • The Indian Constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950. 
• It is the largest Constitution of the world.
 • On 16 Jun, 1946 Cabinet Mission presented a scheme for the formation of an Interim Government at Centre.
 • On 2nd September 1946, the Indian National Congress formed an Interim Government with Jawaharlal Nehru as the Vice-President. 
• On 13 October 1946, Muslim League decided to join the Interim Government. 
• Federal form of government was adopted in which political power is divided among Centre and State government. It maintains government works at two levels.
• Citizens of India have been granted Fundamental Rights. These are important for the progress and development of any individual. 
• Division of power was made between the Centre and the States. There are 97 issues in the Union List, 66 issues in the State list and 47 in the Concurrent List.
 • On the subjects of the Union List only the Centre can make laws. 
• State has the power to make laws on subjects related to the State List.
 • The State and the Centre both have the power to make laws on the subject related to Concurrent list. But whenever there is a clash, the centre Law will prevail.
 • At present there are 30 states and 7 Union territories in the Union of India. 
The constitution of India is the longest constitution in the world. It was framed between December 1946 and December 1949. It came into effect from 26th January, 1950. A Constitution is designed to keep the country together and to take it forward. A constitution is an elaborated and carefully worked out document. 
The Making of the Constituent Assembly: 
• Members of the constituent assembly were indirectly elected. Members were elected by provincial legislature. Constituent assembly was dominated by the Congress
• The Muslim League boycotted the assembly as it wanted separate constitution and separate state. 
• Though members were mostly from the Congress, views and opinions of its members were diverse. In constituent assembly, there was intense debate between the members regarding different ideas and proposals.
 • Intense discussion within the constituent assembly was also influenced by the opinion of the public. Public was also asked to send in their views and ideas.
 • Linguistic minorities asked for protection of their mother tongue, religious minorities demanded for special safeguards. While dalits asked for abolition of caste suppression and reservation in education and government jobs. 
The Dominant Voices in the Constituent Assembly: 
• Out of all 300 members of the constituent assembly, few members like Pt Nehru,Vallabh Bhai Patel, Rajendra Prasad, BR Ambedkar, KM Munshi and Alladi Krishna Swamy Aiyar had a remarkable contribution. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabh Bhai Patel and Rajendra Prasad were representatives of the National Congress.
 • Pt Jawaharlal Nehru moved crucial "objectives resolution" as well as proposal of National Flag. While Vallabh Bhai Patel played an important role in negotiating with princely states, merging these princely states with India. He drafted several reports and worked for reconciling the opposing point of view.
 • Rajendra Prasad as a President of assembly steered the discussion along the constructive lines and made sure that all members had a chance to speak.
 • Dr BR Ambedkar joined the cabinet on worked as law minister. He was the chairman of drafting committee of the constitution. KM Munshi and Alladi Krishnaswamy Aiyar were another two lawyers who played important role in drafting of of the constitution. 
 • There were two civil servants who gave vital assistance to these leaders, one among them was B.N. Rao, who worked as constitutional advisor to the government of India and another was S.N. Mukherjee who put up a complex proposal in clear legal language. 
The Objective of Indian Constitution: 
• On 13th December, 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru introduced "Objective Resolution". It proclaimed India to be an "Independent Sovereign Republic" guaranteed its citizen, justice, equality, freedom and assured "adequate safeguards for minorities, backward and tribal areas, depressed, and backward classes".
 • Objective resolution outlined the ideals of the constitution and provided frame-work for constitution making. 
• Nehru referred to American and French constitution and events associated with its making. He said that we are not just going to copy them, instead he said it is important to learn from these, so mistakes can be avoided. 
• Nehru said the system of government to be established in India had to fit in with the temper of our people and should be acceptable to them.
 • The objective of the Indian constitution would be to fuse the liberal ideas of democracy with socialist ideas of economic justice, and re-adapt and rework on all these ideas within the Indian context. 
The Aspiration of the People: 
• Somnath Lahiri, a communist member said 'we Indians need to be free from British influences'. He further said the Constituent Assembly was British-made and was workingwith British plan.
 • Nehru said, in his response that it is true, British government played a role in the Assembly's birth and attached conditions to the function of assembly. But, he also said, we have met because of the strength of the people behind us and we shall go as far as people wish to go along with us. 
• He believed that members of assembly were elected by provincial legislature and provincial legislature is elected by Indian people. So, here we represent our country men. 
• The constituent assembly was expected to express the aspirations of people. Democracy, equality and justice were ideals that people of India aspires for. 
Rights of People: 
• The way of defining the rights of people was quite different. Different demands were made by different groups of people. These demands, ideas, opinions were debated, discussed and conflicting ideas were reconciled and then consensus was made to take collective decisions. 
The Problem with Separate Electorates: 
• Intense debate took place in assembly on the issue of separate electorate. B. Pocker Bahadur gave a powerful presentation for continuation for separate electorate. He said the electorate will help in giving minorities representation in the political system and in governance of the country. The need of Muslim could not be understood by non-Muslims-he further said .
• Many nationalist leaders saw a separate electorates system as a tool to divide people on the basis of religion and they also believed that this idea had finally culminated in partition of the country. Therefore many leaders were against it. 
• Sardar Patel strongly declared that a separate electorate was a poison that has entered the body of politics of our country and turned one community against another, causing blood shedding, riots and partition. So for a peace we need to remove a separate electorate.
 • GB Pant in a debate said, a separate electorate is not only harmful for the nation but also for minorities. He said that the majority community had an obligation to try and understand the problem of minorities and empathise with their aspirations. Demand for a separate electorate would permanently isolate the minorities and will make them vulnerable and in addition it will deprive them of any effective say within government. 
• All these arguments against separate electorates were based on the unity of the nation, where every individual is a citizen of a state, and each group had to be assimilated within the nation. 
• The Constitution will grant citizenship and rights, and in return citizens had to offer their loyalty to the state. Communities could be recognized as cultural entities and. Political members of all communities are equal to the members of the state. 
• By 1949, most of the Muslim members of constituent assembly were agreed against separate electorates and removed it.
 • Muslims needed to take an active part in the democratic process to ensure that they had a decisive voice in the political system. 
Objective Resolution of the Constitution: 
• NG Ranga, a socialist and a leader of the peasant movement welcomed the Objective Resolution and urged that the term minority be interpreted in economic terms. The real minorities are poor and downtrodden. 
• NG Ranga welcomed all legal and civil rights granted by the constitution to its citizens but said these rights can only be enjoyed when suitable conditions or opportunities are provided. Therefore to make the condition of the poor and downtrodden better and protect them, there is a need for much more than this resolution. 
• Ranga also talked about the huge gap between the masses of India and their representatives in the assembly. Most of the members of the constituent assembly do not belong to the masses. But, they are representing them as their trustees, their companions and trying best to work for them. 
• Jaipal Singh a representative, a tribal, spoke in detail about the exploitation, oppression and discrimination faced by tribal all through the history. He further said about the need to protect the tribes and to make provisions that to the level of the general population. 
 • Jaipal Singh said, there is a need to break physical and emotional distance to integrate them into the mainstream. He stressed on reservation of seats in the legislature, as it helps them to give their demands a voice and people would be compelled to hear it. 
Provision in the Constitution for Depressed Classes of our Country: 
• Depressed classes form 20-25% of the population of our country, so they are not a minority but they have faced marginalization continuously. 
• Members of Depressed classes suffered systematic marginalization. They had no access to public places, they were suppressed through distorted social and moral orders. Depressed classes had no access to education and had no share in the administration. 
• Members of Depressed classes emphasized the problem of untouchability that could not be resolved through safeguard and protection. To completely remove this, there is a need to integrate these people into the mainstream and bring attitudinal change in the society. 
• The constituent assembly made a provision that abolished untouchability, Hindu temples open to all castes and seats in legislature, jobs in government offices be reserved for lowest castes. Many recognized that social discrimination could only be solved through a change in the attitudes within society
 Powers of the State:
Issue of division of power of the government at the centre and at state level was intensely debated. 
• Draft constitution provided three lists of subject i.e. The Union List-union government can make laws on it. State List, State government can make laws on it and Concurrent List-Both Union and State government can make laws on listed items. 
• More items are listed in the Union list. In India-Union the government is made more powerful so that it can ensure peace, security, and can coordinate on the matter of vital interest and to speak for the whole country in the international sphere. 
• However some taxes such as land and property taxes, sales tax and tax on bottled liquor could be levied and collected by the state on their own. 
View of Santhanam on Powers of Centre and State: 
• K Santhanam said reallocation of power was necessary, not only to strengthen the state but also the centre. He said if the centre is overburdened with responsibility it could not function properly. So it is important that some powers to the state should be transferred. 
• Again, Santhanam said states should be given appropriate fiscal provision so that they can work independently and they do not need to depend on centre for even nominal expenditure,
 • Santhanam and many others predicted a dark future if allocation is not done properly. He further said that provinces might revolt against centre and centre will break, as excessive power centralised in the Constitution. 
Need for Strong Government: 
• The need for strong government had been further reinforced by the events of partition. Many leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, BR Ambedkar, Gopalaswami Ayyangar etc advocated for a strong centre.
 • Before Partition the Congress had agreed to grant considerable autonomy to the provinces. This was agreed to satisfy the Muslim League. But after partition, there was no political pressure and violence aftermath of partition gave further fillip to centralised power. 
The Language of the Nation: 
• In the Constituent Assembly issues over national language were intensely debated over months. Language was an emotional issue and it was related to culture and heritage of the particular region. 
• By the 1930s, Congress and Mahatma Gandhi accepted Hindustani as the National language. Hindustani language was easy to understand and was a popular language among large sections of India. Hindustani developed with the interaction of diverse culture and language. 
• The Hindustani language was chiefly made up of Hindi and Urdu but it also contained words of another language. But unfortunately, the language also suffered from communal politics. Gradually, Hindi and Urdu started moving apart. Hindi started using more Sanskritise words similarly Urdu became more persianised. Even then, Mahatma Gandhi retained his faith in Hindustani. He felt that Hindustani was a composite language for all Indians. 
A Plea for Making Hindi as National Language: 
• RV Dhulekar, a member of constituent assembly made a strong plea to make Hindi as national language and language in which constitution should be made. The plea evoked strong opposition. 
• Language committee of assembly produced a report in which it tried to resolve the issue by deciding that Hindi in devanagari script would be an official language but transition to Hindi world would be a gradual process and for initial 15 years after Independence, English would be used as official language. 
• Provinces were allowed to choose one language for official work within the province. 
The Fear of Domination of Hindi: 
• SG Durgabai, a member of constituent assembly said that there is intense opposition against Hindi in South India.
 • After the eruption of controversy regarding the language, there is a fear in the opponent that Hindi is antagonistic to provincial language and it cuts the root of provincial language and cultural heritage associated with it.
 • She had accepted Hindustani as the language of people but the language is being changed. Words from Urdu and regional languages were removed. This move erodes the inclusive and composite character of Hindustani, and due to this, anxieties and fear developed in the mind of people of different language groups. 
• Many members felt that the issue of Hindi as a national language must be treated cautiously and the aggressive tenor and speech will only create fear in non-Hindi speaking people and will further complicate the issue. There should be mutual understanding between different stakeholders. 

Important Questions:
Q1.What were the ideals expressed in the Objectives Resolution ?
Q2.How was the term minority defined by different groups?
Q3.What were the arguments in favour of greater power to the provinces ?
Q4.Why did Mahatma Gandhi think Hindustani should be the national language?
Q5.What historical forces shaped the vision of the Constitution ?
Ans. Following are some historical forces which shaped the vision of the Constitution. Certain basic values were accepted by all national leaders as a result of the Nehru Report and the Fundamental Rights Resolution passed the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress.Universal Adult Franchise, Right to Freedom and Equality and Protection of minority rights were these basic values.After the results of 1937 elections, the Congress and other political parties were able to form the governments in the provinces. This experience with legislative and political institutions helped in developing an agreement over institutional design.Many colonial laws were also the sources of the Indian Constitution. The Government of India Act, 1935 was a major one. This way, the Indian Constitution adopted many institutional details and procedures from the colonial laws.
The French Revolution also inspired the makers of the Constitution.The working of the Parliamentary democracy in Britain and the Bill of Rights in the USA also inspired the framers of the Constitution.
Q6.Discuss the different arguments made in favour of protection of the oppressed groups.
Ans. It was felt that oppressed classes like tribals and untouchables required special attention and safeguards to enable them to raise their status and come to the level of the general population.
Tribals were regarded backward. They were not accepted well in society. They were almost rejected. For their upliftment they were required to be assimilated in the society. They were also required to be brought into the mainstream of the society. So special protection and care were offered to them.
In society untouchables were treated as labourers. Society used their services but did not give them respectable positions. They were treated as outcast and kept isolated. Their sufferings were due to their systematic marginalization.
Lands of the tribals have been confiscated and have been deprived of their forests and pastures. Tribals and untouchables had no access to education. They did not take part in administration. So some legislation was required to improve their conditions.
Q7.How did the Constituent Assembly seek to resolve the language controversy?
Q8.Why is ‘Objective Resolution’ of Nehru considered as a momentous resolution? Give two reasons? (HOTS; Delhi 2013)
Answer: Objective resolution was considered as momentous resolution because:
i) It outlined the defining ideals of the Constitution of Independent India and provided a framework within which constitution making was to be proceeded.
ii)It proclaimed India to be an “Independent Sovereign Republic”.
Q9.Mention any two arguments given by Balakrishna Sharma for greater power to the centre. (All India 2013)
Answer:Balakrishna Sharma said following things in favour for greater power to the centre:
i)He said a strong centre could plan for the well-being of the country and it can mobilise the available economic resources of the country.
ii)Strong centre can establish proper administration and defend the country against foreign invasion.
Q10. “A communist member Somnath Lahiri saw the dark hand of British . imperialism hanging over the deliberations of the Constituent Assembly”. 
Examine the statement and give your own views in support of your answer. (All India 2012)
Answer: The statement implies that Somnath Lahiri saw the influence o the British imperialism over the deliberations of the Constituent Assembly.
As a result, he urged the members to completely free themselves from the influences of imperial rule. During the winter of 1946-47, when the assembly was constituted, the British were still in India.
An interim administration headed by • Jawaharlal Nehru was in place, but it could only operate under the directions of the viceroy and the British Government in London. Lahiri exhorted his colleagues to realise that the Constituent Assembly was British made and was working on the British plans as the British should like it to be worked out.
Q11.“There cannot be any divided loyalty”
Govind Ballabh Pant argued that in order to become loyal citizens people had to stop focusing only on the community and the self.
For the success of democracy one must train himself in the art of self discipline.
In Democracies one should care less for himself and more for others. There cannot be any divided loyalty. All loyalties must exclusively be centred round the state. If in a democracy, you create rival loyalties, or you create a system in which any individual or group, instead of suppressing his extravagance, cares nought for larger or other interests, then democracy is doomed.
Q12.Why did Govind Ballabh Pant lay more stress on the art of self-discipline?
Q13.What was considered important for the success of democracy?
Q14.‘In Democracies one should care less for himself and more for others.’ Give your views on this philosophy. (Delhi 2015)

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